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Timber Care and Advice

End Coat for PROTIM Timber Structures

When working with timber, sealing and coating every cut and join is essential for maintaining the effectiveness of preservative treatments. This practice is crucial because cuts and joins in timber expose the inner wood, which is more vulnerable to environmental factors such as moisture, pests, and fungi.

Proper sealing and coating create a barrier, protecting these exposed areas and ensuring that the preservative treatment remains intact. This not only helps to prolong the structural integrity of the timber but also preserves its aesthetic qualities. By taking this important step, the life of timber products and projects is significantly extended, maintaining their beauty and functionality for a longer period. This is why meticulous attention to sealing and coating is a fundamental aspect of quality timber craftsmanship.

Importance of End Coat Sealing in Timber Maintenance

End coat sealing is an essential step in timber maintenance. Cuts and nicks in wood expose it to moisture, frost, fungi, and pests, leading to damage like warping, splitting, and decay. Koppers’ PROTIM End Coat provides a solution to these challenges. It penetrates the wood fibres when applied to freshly cut timber, forming a protective barrier.

Benefits of PROTIM End Coat Treatment

The PROTIM End Coat offers comprehensive protection:
  • Moisture Resistance: It prevents moisture intrusion, the primary cause of wood rot and structural damage.
  • Fungi and Pest Deterrent: It protects against wood-rotting fungi and pests, ensuring the wood remains robust.
  • Preserve Timber Integrity: By keeping the timber dry and pest-free, the wood's integrity is maintained, preventing swelling, shrinking, and structural instability.
Neglecting to seal the cut ends of treated timber can lead to several issues:
  • Increased Vulnerability to Moisture: Unsealed cuts absorb moisture more readily, risking wood rot and structural weakening.
  • Pest Infestation: Exposed wood is more susceptible to insect damage, compromising the timber's integrity.
  • Accelerated Decay: Without sealing, wood is prone to quicker deterioration, reducing its lifespan and aesthetic appeal.
  • Reduced Treatment Efficacy: The overall effectiveness of preservative treatments is diminished, leading to frequent maintenance needs.


Sealing and coating every cut and join in timber is a critical practice for maintaining the efficacy of preservative treatments. This process ensures that the natural vulnerabilities of timber exposed through cuts and joins are adequately protected against moisture, pests, and fungi.

Doing so not only preserves the timber's structural integrity and aesthetic appeal but also significantly extends the lifespan of the crafted items and projects.

Neglecting this step can lead to rapid deterioration and reduced durability. Thus, diligent sealing and coating are indispensable for safeguarding the beauty and longevity of timber creations, making it an essential part of any timber-related project.

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